Today we recall the Lord’s Ascension into heaven and the beginning of the Church’s mission to create a Civilization of Love through the spread of the Gospel of Life. Again, we recall the glorification of Jesus Christ who, as a man, has been called to share in the glory of God. His ascension also reminds us that heaven is our destiny. That is what we have been created for. That is where we will find the perfect fulfillment of all our aspirations. But before we reach such a glorious destination, we have to do our share in the fulfillment of God’s plan for ourselves and the rest of humankind. Jesus wants that we become more and more involved in the building of the Kingdom. What made all the difference and assured a complete final success despite all obstacles and “ups and downs” in this mission of building the Kingdom was the unfailing and powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. Repeatedly promised by Jesus and eventually sent by the Father and him on Pentecost day, the Holy Spirit transformed that apprehensive band of not- qualified people into heroes and saints. He did and will continue doing the same with their successors until the end of time. And through it all, the glorified Jesus will not watch the vicissitudes of his Church “from a distance.” Though invisible, he will still be very much fully involved in the life of his Church for he has become and “remains forever Emmanuel” – God with us!


+Fr Emmanuel-tv


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